For time of:
- 50 Sumo Deadlift High Pull @20kg
- 21 Pullups
- 50 Sumo Deadlift High Pull @20kg
- 15 Pullups
- 50 Sumo Deadlift High Pull @20kg
- 9 Pullups
- 2 Muscle Ups
- 4 Burpees
- 8 KB Swings @ 24kg
an on-line training journal to keep track on edm's fitness progression with PushMore and CrossFiting.
Result: 16:12
*Refers to WOD 080508.
Result: 28:24 (Sub Pull Up)
Result: 15 rounds + (10 Sumo Deadlift Highpulls @ 32kg / 10 Push Ups)
**********Result: 21:38
Result: 9:57
**********Result: 6:52
Result: 24:10
**********Result: 18:58
Result: Edmund + Mike = 37:27
Result: 17:35
**********Result: 23:56
**********Result: 9:44
Result: 17:13
*Refers to WOD 072808.
Result: 14 rounds + (3 Muscle Ups)
**********Result: 2:50
Result: 19:24
**********Result: 4:24
Result: 10:10, 10:32 (CTB pull Ups)
**********Result: 31:14
Result: 14:08
Result: 13:35
**********Result: 24:20
Result: 24:07
**********Result: 32:07
Result: 30 mins (First Round), 30 mins (Second Round)
**********Result: 5:44
Result: 12:50 (KB 20kg)
**********Result: 12:11
Result: 4 rounds + (15 Pull Ups/26 Burpees)
Result: 21:52 (First Round), 26:27 (Second Round)
Result: 22:15
**********Result: 7:18
*Refers to WOD 082208 / WOD 090308.
Result: 12 rounds
**********Result: 27 rounds
Result: 9:42
Result: Pull Ups = 22 / 20 / 15 / 15 / 17 / 15
**********Result: 14:20
Result: 41:38 (KB 20kg)
**********Result: 12:06
Result: 17:29
**********Result: 8:35
Result: 20:26
**********Result: 22:44
**********Result: 13:12
Result: 6:15
**********Result: 19:53
Result: 6:15
**********Result: 19:29
Result: 15:44
**********Result: 34:06
*Refers to WOD 072308
Result: 5/ 4+(3,6,4)/ 5/ 5+(3,6)/ 4+(3,6,7)
**********Result: 9:30
Result: 5:43 (Thrusters @ KB 16kg)
"Game of Dice"
1. Pull Ups
2. Handstand Push Ups
3. Ring Dips
4. Knees to Elbows
5. Burpees
6. Sumo Deadlift Highpull @ 20kg
To determine your exercises and reps, do the following:
Step 1:
Roll the dice to get three unique numbers. These numbers will determine your exercises. Example - if your first roll is 1, you will do pull ups as your first exercise.
Step 2:
To determine the reps for each exercise, roll the dice ten times. The sum of these ten rolls will be the reps for each corresponding exercise.
Step 3:
Of the remaining three exercises, choose one and you will do 30 reps of that exercise.
Result: 7:44
Result: 16 rounds + 10 Goblet Squats
**********Result: 11:19
**********Result: 26:14
Result: 12:50
**********Result: 19:55
Result: 37:59
**********Result: 8;48