Sunday, June 6, 2010

WOD 060610

For time of:-
10km Run
Result: 55:57mins

Was ask to go for an early walk by my mom, at first I was feeling lazy and thought I should give myself a rest day and just sleep through the whole morning, but the evil side of me (or could it be the angelic side?) din't allow me to get into my sleep again, so I got up to get ready for morning walk with my parent in TTDI Park.

Ever since after attending the POSE running certification with Dr Romanov in Singapore, I haven't been running seriously, and one of the reason was because of my thigh injury restricting me to over stretch my leg. So I went for the bigger loop and also from the uphill direction to practise POSE run.

Differences? Less straining on knees and ankles, less effort, less gasps, steady heart rate. Comparing POSE with the usual running style I do, POSE running actually felt alot more efficient and be cause of less effort needed, I can focus more than I used to. Good run!

Time to get back to sleep now.

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