Saturday, July 31, 2010

WOD 073110

Run from Rev Fitness to PushMore @ Approx. 13km
Result: 1hr23mins


In 20 minutes, complete as many rounds as possible of:
3 Thrusters @ 50kg
6 Pull Ups
9 Deadlifts @ 50kg
Result: 14 rounds + 3


Run from PushMore to Rev Fitness @ Approx. 13km
Result: 1hr18mins


Men's Health/ Shape Run @ 12km
Result: 1hr30mins

Started walking after 8km of run, was having cramp on both legs and decided to stop and apply some counter pain before continuing the route. Worse surprise ever, instead of legs getting sore, I was feeling very cold, and realize there's no more fuel in my body to burn. To top it up, my body started shaking uncontrollably. So I decided to stop running and start walking instead, it felt so bad that I wanted to get the marshal to send me back but none is sighted. Until I reach for the water station, I asked for energy bar but I was told they have none and I should just keep walking because I left another 2km until I reach the finish line. Thanks to a friend of mine, He was waiting for me at the finish line with a cup of fruit juice. Thanks Edmund Tang! You're my savior of the night!

Friday, July 30, 2010

WOD 073010

Back Squat 3 x 10 @ 95kg


Press 5-3-3-1-1
Result: 45 / 55 / 60 / 62.5 / 65


For time of:-
50 Handstand Push Ups
25 Deadlifts @ 70kg
50 Pull Ups
25 Deadlifts @ 70kg
50 Push Ups
25 Deadlifts @ 70kg
Result: 12:20mins

Thursday, July 29, 2010

WOD 072910

15reps x 3sets
Leg Raises
Back Extensions
Pull Ups
Bench Presses
Kettlebell Swings


4 rounds for time of:-
350m Run
35 Unbroken Double Unders
Result: 9:24mins

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

WOD 072810

Snatches Practice
50 Snatch Mash Up (Full/Hang/Power/ Hang Power) @ 20kg


25 Squat Snatch @ 45kg
Result: 6:20mins


"Squad Ladder"
Using a 45 pound bar, and a continuously running stopwatch, complete 1 squat the first minute, 2 squats the second, 3 the third, etc. Continue until you can no longer complete the requisite number of squats in the 60 second period.

1- 10 – Overhead squat
11- 20 – Front Squat
21+ back squat
Result: 30 mins/rounds

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

WOD 072710

Deadlift @ 90% 1RM = 157.5kg


GHD Sit Ups 3x 15reps


3 rounds of:-
30 Kettlebell Swings @ 30kg
30 Wallballs @ 10kg
30 Ring Dips
Result: 20:50mins

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

WOD 072110

Back Squat 5-5-3-3-2-2
Result: 120, 125, 130, 130 (x2), failed, failed


Bench Press 5RM
Result: 80kg


Deadlifts @ 125kg
Handstand Push Ups
Result: 7:15mins

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

WOD 072010

Press 3-3-3
Result: 55, 60, 60kg


Push Press 3-3-3
Result: 65, 75, 80kg


For time of:-
100 Ring Dips (Ring must be at a height of Muscle Up.)
Result: 9:38mins

Monday, July 19, 2010

WOD 071910

Back Squat 5reps x 5sets
Result: 110kg


4 minutes x 3 rounds of:-
7 Unbroken Power Cleans @ 50kg
7 Unbroken Chest-to-Bar Pull Ups
1 Minute Rest
Result: 4 rounds / 2 rounds + 7 / 2 rounds + 7

Friday, July 16, 2010

WOD 071610

3reps @ 70% / 80% / 85% / 90% 1RM
Result: 122.5 / 140 / 148.75 / 157.5kg


5 rounds of:-
1 Press 90% of 1 RM
1 Strict Pull Up
1 Press 90% of 1 RM
3 Strict Pull Ups
1 Press 90% of 1 RM
5 Strict Pull Ups
Result: 18:14mins (55kg)

Thursday, July 15, 2010

WOD 071510

Every minute, on the minute, for 20 minutes, complete:
3 Back Squats @ 65kg
3 Handstand Push Ups
Result: 20minutes


4km Kiara Hill Run
Result: 20:23mins


15reps x 3sets
Back Extensions
Pull Ups
Floor Presses
Kettlebell Swings

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

WOD 071410

Back Squats 10reps x 2sets
Results: 100kg


Hanstand Push Ups Max reps x 3 Sets
Result: 25 / 18 / 14


5 rounds for time of:-
350m Run
5 Deadlifts @ 145kg
12 Burpees
Result: 26:46mins

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

WOD 071310

Split Jerk 3-3-3-3-3
Result: 45, 55, 65, 75, 80kg (failed)


Bench Press @ Body Weight 65kg
Chest-to-Bar Pull Ups
Result: 12:58mins

Monday, July 12, 2010

WOD 071210

Back Squats 5-5-5-5-5
Result: 70, 80, 100, 110, 120kg


3reps x 1set
Result: 55kg


5 rounds for time of:-
15 Back Squats @ 70kg
7 Muscle Ups
Result: 14:38mins

Saturday, July 10, 2010

WOD 071010

In the minute of 25 minutes, do:-
2 Power Cleans @ 85% of 1RM = 70kg


3x Maximum Reps Chin Ups
Result: 20, 20, 20


15reps x 3 sets of:-
GHD Sit Ups

Friday, July 9, 2010

WOD 070910

Press 1 x 5
Result: 50, 55, 60, 62.5, 62.5kg


For time of:-
20 Back Squats @ 100kg
40 Toes-to-Bar
60 Kettlebell Swings @ 32kg
Result: 7:41mins


7 rounds for time of:-
7 Push Jerks @ 70kg
7 Burpees
7 Chest-to-Bar Pull Ups
Result: 13:46mins

Thursday, July 8, 2010

WOD 070810

In 12 minutes, run for maximum distance.
Result: 2.4km


15rps x 3 sets of:-
Leg Raises
Back Extensions
Pull Ups
Bench Presses
Kettlebell Swings

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

WOD 070710

1.6km Run
100 Pull Ups
200 Push Ups
300 Squats
Result: 32.30mins

Rest 10mins, then:-

75 Power Snatch @ 75lbs/ 35kg
Result: 10.54mins

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

WOD 070610

Press 3 x 3
Result: 55kg


Push Press 3 x 3
Result: 65kg


Push Jerk 3 x 3
Result: 75kg


5 rounds for time of:-
100 Double Unders
20 Burpees
Result: 14:29mins


Deadlift 3-3-2-2-1-1-1
Result: 120, 130, 140, 150, 155, 160, 160kg


3 rounds of:-
5 x 60yard/ 54meters Shutter Runs
*Rest 3 minutes between efforts.
*less than 200 lbs - 60 seconds and below

Monday, July 5, 2010

WOD 060510

In 15 minutes, complete as many round as possible of:-
5 Kettlebell Push Press @ 25kg, L&R
7 Box Jumps @ 30"
Result: 13rounds + 1 KB Push Press


Double Kettlebell Push Press @ 24kg
Sumo Deadlift High Pull @ 24kg
Result: 11:21mins

Saturday, July 3, 2010

WOD 070310

Press 3 reps x 5 rounds
Result: 55kg


"Tabata Mash Up"
Clean & Jerk @ 60kg
Muscle Ups
Result: 25 C&J + 24 MU = Total 49reps

Friday, July 2, 2010

WOD 070210

5 x 2sets Back Squat @ 65% Of 1RM
Result: 80kg


5 x 5sets Bench Press @ 90% Of 5RM
Result: 70kg


In 15 minutes, complete as many round as possible of:-
5 Shoulder to Overhead @ 70kg
10 Push Ups
15 Deadlifts @ 65kg
Result: 5 rounds + 5 STO + 10 CTF Push Ups + 10 Deadlift

Thursday, July 1, 2010

WOD 070110

6.6km Run
Result: 31:47mins


15 repetitions x 3 rounds of:-
Hanging Leg Raises
Back Extension
Pull Ups
Bench Press
Kettlebell Swings @ 32kg
*1 minute Rest between rounds.