Tuesday, February 16, 2010

WOD 021610

10 Burpees - 1 KB Swing @ 32kg
9 Burpees - 2 KB Swings @ 32kg
8 Burpees - 3 KB Swings @ 32kg
7 Burpees - 4 KB Swings @ 32kg
6 Burpees - 5 KB Swings @ 32kg
5 Burpees - 6 KB Swings @ 32kg
4 Burpees - 5 KB Swings @ 32kg
3 Burpees - 4 KB Swings @ 32kg
2 Burpees - 9 KB Swings @ 32kg
1 Burpees - 10 KB Swings @ 32kg
Result: 6:37mins


30secs Sling Shot
30secs Presses
30secs Single Arm Swing
30secs Push Presses
30secs Snatches
30secs Push Jerks
*All exercises are done with 16kg kettlebell, finish all exercises each hand before switching to another.


3 rounds for time of:-
5 Muscle Ups
20 Single Arm KB Situp @ 16kg
7 L-Pull Ups
80m Farmer's Walk @ 2 x 32kg

I'm freaking hungry now! Haven't got myself much eaten since my light brunch which i ate a bun filled with dried barbequed meat and chicken floss and a cup of coffee. I can so swallow a cow now!

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