Wednesday, February 24, 2010

WOD 022410

5-5-5 of:-
Back Squats
Result: Back Squat (80, 90, 100)kg/ Presses (45, 50, 55kg)kg/ Deadlifts (120, 130, 140)kg


5 rounds for time of:
20 Pull Ups (Chest-to-bar)
30 Push Ups (Chest-to-floor)
40 Sit Ups
50 Squats
Result: 22:05mins

WOD 022310

Keangston's Farewell
3 rounds for time of:-
12 L-Pull Ups
4 Turkish Get Up @ 24kg
10 Burpees
4 Thrusters @ 60kg
8 Box Jumps @ 24"
6 KB Swings @ 32kg
6 Ring Dips
12 Squats
20 Double Unders
30 Situps
Result: 31:03mins

Monday, February 22, 2010

WOD 022210

For time of:
100 Pull Ups (Chest-to-bar)
100 Push Ups (Chest-to-floor)
100 Sit Ups
100 Squats
Result: 16:33mins

Sunday, February 21, 2010

WOD 022110

Tom, Dick & Harry's 5km Sunday Run
Result: 24:14mins


Clibing session in Camp5 with the rest of the monkeys.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

WOD 022010

Power Clean 3-3-3
Result: 60, 70, 80kg


3 rounds for time of:-
10 Push Presses @ 60kg
20 Push Ups (Chest-to-floor)
30 Pull Ups (Chest-to-bar)
Result: 13:55mins

Friday, February 19, 2010

WOD 021910

5mins Turkish-get-up
Result: 20 repetitions @ 20kg empty bar


5 rounds for time of:-
10 Deadlifts @ 100kg
10 Burpees
Result: 7:18mins

Thursday, February 18, 2010

WOD 021810

In 20 minutes, do as many round as possible of:-
5 Hang Power Cleans @ 40kg
10 Handstand Push Ups
15 Squats
Result: 13rounds + 5 Hang Power Cleans + 7 Handstand Push Ups


Climbing Session in Camp5 with the monkeys!!!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

WOD 021610

10 Burpees - 1 KB Swing @ 32kg
9 Burpees - 2 KB Swings @ 32kg
8 Burpees - 3 KB Swings @ 32kg
7 Burpees - 4 KB Swings @ 32kg
6 Burpees - 5 KB Swings @ 32kg
5 Burpees - 6 KB Swings @ 32kg
4 Burpees - 5 KB Swings @ 32kg
3 Burpees - 4 KB Swings @ 32kg
2 Burpees - 9 KB Swings @ 32kg
1 Burpees - 10 KB Swings @ 32kg
Result: 6:37mins


30secs Sling Shot
30secs Presses
30secs Single Arm Swing
30secs Push Presses
30secs Snatches
30secs Push Jerks
*All exercises are done with 16kg kettlebell, finish all exercises each hand before switching to another.


3 rounds for time of:-
5 Muscle Ups
20 Single Arm KB Situp @ 16kg
7 L-Pull Ups
80m Farmer's Walk @ 2 x 32kg

I'm freaking hungry now! Haven't got myself much eaten since my light brunch which i ate a bun filled with dried barbequed meat and chicken floss and a cup of coffee. I can so swallow a cow now!

WOD 021510

6km Run
Result: 28:08mins


35secs Plank
35secs Side Plank, Left
35secs Side Plank, Right
45secs Pull Up Hold


In 10minutes, do as many round as possible of:-
10 Lateral Jumps
10 Clapping Push Ups (Chest-to-floor)
20 Walking Lunges
Results: 10rounds


6rounds of:-
10 Knees Up to Sprint 100m

Just got to burn all those unwanted calories stored in me since holidays started! Burn! Burn! Burn you m*ther f*cker!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

WOD 021310

3 rounds for time of:
15 Overhead Squat @ 40kg
30 Pull Ups (Chest-to-bar)
45 DoubleUnders
Result: 14:06mins

Friday, February 12, 2010

WOD 021210

Endurance 021212
3 rounds of:
200m + 400m + 600m
Rest exactly time takes to finish each interval in each set.


Turkish-Get-Up 5-5-5
Result: 20, 20, 20kg


150 KB Clean & Jerk @ 24kg
Result: 14:43mins

Finally my new toy has arrived! Behold! The 30kg weighted vest! Tried running a kilometre with it, all I can say is I will never want to put on any extra weights!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

WOD 021110

"PushMore 2nd Anniversary"
In 12 minutes, complete as many rounds as possible of:
3 Handstand Push Ups
6 Wall Balls @ 10kg
5 Burpees
Result: 12rounds + 1 Handstand Push Ups

Rest 6 minutes, then:-

3 Muscle Ups
6 Deadlifts @ 100kg
5 Box Jumps @ 24"
Result: 8 rounds + 2 Muscle Ups

After a long holiday since last Sunday, I really feels a little weak today. Haven't got my heart rate pumped so fast for the past 4 days, felt totally sinful and guilty for that. Thought of doing extra workout, but it seems like I'm pretty much at my limit already, will rest a little while more and see how it goes.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

WOD 020610

3 rounds for time of:
10 Clean & Jerk @ 60kg
400m Run
Result: 14:26mins

I really need to improve on my racking position, or else I'm gonna hurt myself more whenever I attempt a barbell workout.

WOD 020510

Press 5-5-5
Result: 50, 50, 50kg

Improve presses by 5kg! Good effort!


Muscle Ups
Kb Snatch @ 24kg, L&R
Result: 11:23mins

Tough workout, nearly tear my skin again. But luckily just a tiny bit came off.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

WOD 020410

5mins Turkish-Get-Up
Result: 10 repetitions @ Barbell 40kg


3 rounds for time of:
15 Front Squat @ 40kg
30 Push Ups (Chest-to-floor)
45 Double Unders
Result: 6:16mins

I was being kiasu-ed by Keangston (New PushMore fire breather) to increase front squat weights. But I've promise myself that, even if I'm not especting to rest, I should atleast have a lighter workout day (like what Lynn had told me). So I just stick to the rx'd weight. Got to admit that, it doesn't felt like how I wanted it, because I din get to sweat as much, not getting to tire myself out, it just don feel right. Orh well, is time to rest edm... time to rest...

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

WOD 020310

Endurance 020310
1min Run
1min Rest
1min Run
50secs Rest
1min Run
40secs Rest
1min Run
30secs Rest
1min Run
20secs Rest
1min Run
10secs Rest
And then go back up the ladder until the first minute.


Deadlift 3-3-3-3-3
Result: 135, 140, 145, 150, 155kg

*example of bad deadlift form (lumber curve is suppose to remain straight)


10 minutes as many burpees as possible.
Result: 155 repetitions (Chest-to-floor)

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

WOD 020210

Press 5-5-5
Result: 45, 45, 45kg


5 rounds for time of:
7 Push Jerk @ 55kg
25 KB Swing @ 32kg
Result: 15:56mins

Feeling terrible today, din't get enough sleep due to back muscle soreness, constantly have to keep stretching through out the whole night. Worse of all, woke up with sore throat. A very high chance that I might fall ill tomorrow.

Next up! either I'm going home now to start hibernating till god-knows-when, or I'm going to the nearest massage center for a session of relaxation massage.


Monday, February 1, 2010

WOD 020110

Endurance 020110
10km Run
Result: 57:36mins

I was having a hard time running after 6km. Yes, my knee problem is back again and caused me to rest every 400m, very frustrating. Guess I will have to consult a physician as soon as possible.


10mins Handstand Push Ups (Nose-to-floor)
5mins Squats
2mins Pull Ups (Butterfly)
1mins Push Ups (Chest-to-floor)
Handstand Push Ups = 58 repetitions
Squats = 286 repetitions
Pull Ups = 60 repetitions
Push Ups = 33 repetitions
Total = 437 repetitions


Back Squat 5-5-5
Result: 90, 90, 90kg