Wednesday, March 31, 2010

WOD 310310

Split Jerk 5-5-3-3-1-1
Result: 40, 45, 50, 60, 70, 70kg


3 rounds of:-
Back Squat @ 65kg, as many repetition as possible.
Result: 35, 30, 20 repetitions

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

WOD 033010

3 rounds for time of :
400m Run
21 Push Ups (Chest-to-floor)
12 Deadlift @ 100kg
Result: 9:13mins
100 Sumo Deadlift High Pull @ 20kg
50 Thrusters @ 20kg
30 Pull Ups
Result: 7:10mins

Monday, March 29, 2010

WOD 032910

15 Press @ 40kg
30 Pull Ups (Chest-to-bar)
10 Press @ 40kg
20 Pull Ups (Chest-to-bar)
5 Press @ 40kg
10 Pull Ups (Chest-to-bar)
Result: 5:53mins

Friday, March 26, 2010

WOD 032610

10 Barbell Thrusters @ 45kg
50 Double Unders
8 Barbell Thrusters @ 45kg
40 Double Unders
6 Barbell Thrusters @ 45kg
30 Double Unders
4 Barbell Thrusters @ 45kg
20 Double Unders
2 Barbell Thrusters @ 45kg
10 Double Unders
Result: 4:37mins


5 rounds for time of:-
10 Kettlebell Single Arm Swings @ 24kg, L&R
10 Kettlebell Cleans & Jerks @ 24kg, L&R
10 Kettlebell Snatches @ 24kg, L&R
Result: 24:58mins

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

WOD 032410

In 5mins, do as many repetition as possible of:
Turkish-Get-Ups @ Empty Bar (20kg)
Result: 17 repetitions


3 rounds for time of:-
1min Medicine Ball Cleans @ 10kg
1min Push Ups (Chest-to-floor)
1min Box Jumps @ 24"
1min Sit Ups
1min Rest
Result: 72 Medicine Ball Cleans, 97 Push Ups, 77 Box Jumps, 87 Sit Ups = 333 repetitions

Monday, March 22, 2010

WOD 032210

Front Squat 3-3-3-
Result: 70, 80, 100kg


In15mins, do as many rounds as possible of:-
7 Hanstand Push Ups
11 Squats
Result: 18rounds + 4 Handstand Push Ups

Saturday, March 20, 2010

WOD 032010

Deadlift 3-3-3
Result: 150, 155, 160kg


4 round of:
800m Run
90secs Rest
Result: 2:40, 2:45, 2:53, 2:49mins

Friday, March 19, 2010

WOD 031910

Trainer Workout 031910
For time of:
15 Double Kettlebell Clean & Jerk @ 24kg
30 Pull Ups (Chest-to-bar)
30 Burpees
15 Deadlifts @ 100kg
30 Handstand Push Ups
30 Kettlebell Swing @ 32kg
15 Muscle Ups
30 Overhead Walking Lunges @ 25kg
30 Box Jump @ 24"
15 Man Makers @ 35lbs
30 Toes To Bar
30 Double Unders
Result: 35:53mins

Thursday, March 18, 2010

WOD 031810

KB Swing @ 32kg
Push Ups (Chest-to-floor)
Result: 6:32mins

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

WOD 031710

Press 5-5-5
Result: 45, 50, 55kg x4


Double Unders
Sit Ups
Result: 5:09mins


15 Thrusters @ 45kg
30 Pull Ups (Chest-to-bar)
15 Burpees
12 Thrusters @ 45kg
20 Pull Ups (Chest-to-bar)
12 Burpees
9 Thrusters @ 45kg
15 Pull Ups (Chest-to-bar)
9 Burpees
6 Thrusters @ 45kg
10 Pull Ups (Chest-to-bar)
6 Burpees
3 Thrusters @ 45kg
5 Pull Ups (Chest-to-bar)
3 Burpees
Result: 13:35mins

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

WOD 031610

3 rounds for time of:
15 Back Squat @ 70kg
15 Ring Dips
Result: 5:57mins

WOD 031510

"3 Types of Pull Ups"
3 Weighted Pull Ups @ 45lbs
5 Strict Pull Ups
7 Kipping Pull Ups
Result: 26:26mins (12sets)


5km Run
Result: 23:14mins

Saturday, March 13, 2010

WOD 031310

In 12mins, complete as many round as possible of:-
10 Medicine Ball Slam @ 10kg
10 Push Ups (Chest-to-bar)
Result: 17 rounds

Friday, March 12, 2010

WOD 031210

Trainer Team Workout 12/03/2010

Back Squat @ Body Weight (65kg)
Press @ 1/2 Body Weight (35kg)
Deadlift @ 1 1/2 Body Weight (130kg)
Result: 4:24mins


Death by 10m + Burpees
Result: 9rounds + 10x 10m+ 7Burpees


Tabata Squats
Result: 24, 24, 23, 22, 20, 19, 19, 17 = 168

Thursday, March 11, 2010

WOD 031110

5 rounds for time of:-
7 Deadlifts @ 100kg
14 Burpees
30 Double Unders
Result: 8:39mins

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

WOD 031010

30 Muscle Ups for time:-
Result: 6:37mins


Deadlift @ 100kg
Press @ 40kg
Squat Clean @ 50kg
Result: 27:37mins

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

WOD 030910

Press @ 50, 55, 57.5kg x1


Pull Ups (Chest-tobar)
Kettlebell Clean & Jerks @ 24kg
Result: 11:39mins

Monday, March 8, 2010

WOD 030810

3 rounds for time of:
300 Rope Skipping
30 Kettlebell Swings @ 32kg
30 Push Ups (Chest-to-floor)
Result: 13:59mins


Back Squat @ (75) 95, 100, 105kg
Press @ (40) 45, 50, 55kg x3
Deadlift @ (70) 120, 125, 145kg

Thursday, March 4, 2010

WOD 030410

For time of:-
50 Deadlift @ Body Weight
Result: 5:58mins @ 96kg

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

WOD 030310

400m Run
21 Handstand Push Ups
21 Ring Dips
21 Push Ups (Chest-to-floor)
800m Run
15 Handstand Push Ups
15 Ring Dips
15 Push Ups (Chest-to-floor)
1,200m Run
9 Handstand Push Ups
9 Ring Dips
9 Push Ups (Chest-to-floor)
Result: 17:15mins

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

WOD 030210

"FMP: Crow's Nest"

Full Mission Profile
As part a larger joint military operation to push Al Qaeda militants out of the mountainous region in Afghanistan, coalition forces must rescue key high observation points. The attainment of these position is essential to guide are assets to their proper targets.
Your special operations team has been assigned an observation point code name "Crow's Nest", which is currently controlled by an enemy force of about 8 fighters. You will insert at a time when the enemy forces have consistently been observed taking a short break to change guards. It is essential that you take control of that position at all cost.
Prior to the change of guard your team will HALO into a small area just below the observation point. Upon radio confirmation that the enemy forces are linking up to switch over, you will rapidly ascend to the point and take them out. Because the element of surprise is the only advantage (they will have the high ground), it is essential that your team make the ascent as fast as possible. Once the point is taken, radio HQ for further orders.

400m Walking Lunges (Knee must touch the ground every step.)

Take the point:
*If the ascent took:

Less than 9 minutes:-
5 rounds of:
10 Kettlebell Swing @ 24kg
5 Burpees
5 Sumo Deadlift High Pull @ 24kg

9 minutes to 11 minutes:-
10 rounds of:
10 Kettlebell Swing @ 24kg
5 Burpees
5 Sumo Deadlift High Pull @ 24kg

11 minutes to 13 minutes:-
12 rounds of:
10 Kettlebell Swing @ 24kg
5 Burpees
5 Sumo Deadlift High Pull @ 24kg

13 minutes to 15 minutes:-
14 rounds of:-
10 Kettlebell Swing @ 24kg
5 Burpees
5 Sumo Deadlift High Pull @ 24kg

Over 15 minutes:-
15 rounds of:
10 Kettlebell Swing @ 24kg
5 Burpees
5 Sumo Deadlift High Pull @ 24kg
Result: Ascent (8:34) + Take the point (4:25) = 12:59 mins

The easiest FMP mission I ever attend!

WOD 030110

Back Squat 5-5-5
Result: 95, 100, 105kg

Improved! It felt a little easier than the last time I did with such heavy weights!


For time of:-
30 Pull Ups (Chest-to-bar)
60 Double Unders
20 Pull Ups (Chest-to-bar)
40 Double Unders
10 Pull Ups (Chest-to-bar)
20 Double Unders
Result: 4:28

Attending this workout isn't really that hard. The only tough moment of this is when you try to do double unders after those pull ups. I made myself go all out for pull ups, part of the reason is because I've had enough holiday and is time to kick start my engine again, second part of the reason is I want to know where I stand so far in term of chest-to-bar pull ups.


"FMP: Avalanche"

Full Mission Profile
While on a training exercise earlier today, a NATO aircraft malfunctioned forcing the pilot to eject over the French Pyrenees mountains. The pilot sustained no major injuries, but is suffering from the severe cold, and will need to be rescued ASAP if he is to survive.
Your special operation unit will take a helicopter to a safe landing spot approximately 5km from where the pilot's GPS beacon is. This would be a fairly routine rescue, except that you will have to ascend over 2000 vertical feet, deal with hypoxia, and traverse difficult terrain.
You team will be carrying state of the art rewarming suit for the pilot. Each man's load is approximately 40lbs. Based on current temperatures and an incoming storm, you have a drop dead time of 1 hour to get to the pilot and stabilize him to move.
After you have stabilized the pilot. radio the helicopter for pickup location. Because of incoming weather, the longer you take to get there, the further you will have to go to be picked up.

Workout (Wear 20kg vest through out the whole workout.)
4 rounds of:
400m Run
50 Squats

3 rounds of:
Kettlebell Swing Breathing Ladder to 5 @ 24kg

4 rounds of:
400m Run
10 Burpees

50 Pull Ups

4 rounds of:
400m Run
25 Box Steps @ 24" (each leg)

3 rounds of:
Kettlebell Swing Breathing Ladder to 5 @ 24kg
4 Long Jumps (2 out and 2 back)

If your insert was 50 minutes or less - Hello comes to you!
If your insert was 50 minutes to 1 hour - Run 800 meters with 20kg vest.
If your insert was 1 hour or more - Run 1.6 km with 20kg vest.

Result: Insert (1hr 28mins) + Exfil (10mins) = 1hr 38mins

This is a workout I was suppose to do with Juan, but due to some silly injury I got from home, I couldn't attend it until now. No joke, this workout is damn tough, but I realized that my body recover pretty fast after the workout, which surprised me. I guess my body somehow gotten used to metabolic conditions.