Thursday, January 28, 2010

WOD 012810

"Skill Test"

1. Pick one test for each section of Hips, Push, Pull, Core, Workand Speed. You can refer to this link for details:- Skill Levels Poster
2. You will then do the test for each section as per the order mentioned above.
3. You will have a 60-minute time limit to complete all the tests.
4. If the test has two requirements(eg. Air Squats x 100, Back Squat x 1@Bodweight), you will be required to complete bothtasks.
*Thanks to CrossFit Seattle for the Athletic Skills table.

1. Hips: Pistol x 10 repetitions, back squat @ 1 3/4 body weight (81.25kg) = Passed
2. Push: Shoulder press @ 3/4 body weight (48.75kg) x 3 repetitions, handstand push ups x 10 repetitions = Passed
3. Pull: Pull ups x 40 repetitions, weighted pull up @ 3/4 body weight (48.75kg), muscle up x 10 = Passed
4. Core: Straight leg raises x 20 repetition = Passed
5: Speed: Run 400m in 1:04mins = Passed (1:02 mins)
6: Work: Run 1.6km in 5:00mins = Passed (5:00mins)

So I'm basically 63% Elite Athlete and 33% Monster!

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