Result: 3:37:16
Today was my first attempt to 30km run, compared to the previous longest distance I ran was 23km. I was mentally ready for the run and was pretty much well prepared, from the start to 20km, I was still running very well, I thought to myself that i've really improve alot over the past few months.
Just when I have such thought, things happened. My ipod shuffle died from battery low and worse of all my left knee started to have sharp pain, which always happen when there's too much impact involved last time. I thought it has long gone ever since I rested from running for a few months.
But today the pain was unbareable, I couldn't help but to stop and start walking. Through out the whole last 10km, I was just constantly walking, massaging my knee, tried to run. It got me frustrated and started to blame myself for not giving myself some day off from gym before attempting this run; blaming myself for not consulting physician earlier on when I have uch injury.
Without any song playing from my ipod shuffle, my mind was getting nowhere but started to create all sort of excuses, blames, regrets. This was the very first time I reach the finish point with no smile, no excitement whatsoever. I was simply not please with my performance at all, I could have done better, I could have finish the run in 2 hours plus if its not because of me limping all the way for the last 10km. All in all, very bad performance!
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