Saturday, January 16, 2010

WOD 011610, Saturday

Thrusters @ 95lbs
Pull Ups (Chest-to-bar)
Result: 4:36mins

I've been practically draged into committing the qualifier for crossfit game 2010 by JW, because of that, JW wanted me to attempt all WOD as if I'm aiming to be qualify for crossfit game 2010, which pretty much stresses me out! But if is not JW's encouragement, I wouldn't be able to push myself till this limit, creating a new personal record of "Fran" by improving 3 over minutes, which is a very impressive jump from my previous record over the past 1 week. I do not know how this journey to qualifying to crossfit game 2010 gonna be like, but I'm gonna do my best, because I want this!

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