Friday, May 28, 2010

WOD 052810

For time of:-
10 Handstand push-ups
15 Deadlift @ 115kg
25 Box jumps @ 30"
50 Chest-to-Bar Pull Ups
100 Wallball @ 10kg
200 Double Unders
400m Run with 20kg plate
Result: 27:04mins

Woke up in the morning feeling sore all over my body, especially lower body, thighs, glute hams, quads, ankles. Wanted to take a break from gym today until I saw comments from Lynn, my beloved colleague a.k.a. workout partner ( she's a mutated girl ). She was asking if I'm interested in going nutz today, and she literally mean going NUTTS! There goes my rest day, rushing up and ended in PushMore preparing myself to go nutz!

Applied a thick layer of counter pain on both my legs to numb the soreness, did some stretching, warm up and started the workout. Overall it was a pleasant workout, but not until wallball. Wallball is pretty much an overall body exercise, you've got to start by holding the ball in front of your chest, go into a squatting position and launch the ball up by fully extend your legs and hips. Catching the timing as the ball falls, hold on to the ball as it reaches down, and this is counted as 1 repetitions.

Wallball kills.

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